The photo is his new clinic sign.
I recently spent 3 days furthering my acupuncture knowledge and clinical skills in Kyushu, one of Japan's largest, southern islands, near a town call Oita. It's near the famous Beppu hot springs which unfortunately I didn't get a chance to visit.
Tsuyoshi Shimamura is in his early 40s but has been practicing for over 20 years. He spent a couple of years in Ontario working in his early career. But in the late 90s he spent 3 formative years with Kiyoshi Nagano, a unique and extremely skilled acupuncturist who also influenced Kiiko Matsumoto.
Shimamura Sensei is incorporating Japanese orthopedic (soutai) techniques into his acupuncture treatments. The acupuncture aspect focuses on releasing the lower back and pelvis and sacrum as well as the back of the head, occiput area. He was very interested in the intersection of conventional muscles such as the multifidi and erector spinae, deep back muscles, and acupuncture points/meridians.
I learned a lot and am applying some of what I learned in my clinic in Montclalir, NJ.