Many people think acupuncture is used to help relieve acute and chronic pain such as headache, low back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. While this is certainly one of its strong points, acupuncture can also help a long list of medical and even psycho-emotional conditions. Studies have shown it to be effective for:
headache, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, chemotherapy and post-surgical pain, nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy, nausea of pregnancy, stroke rehabilitation, menstrual cramps, insomnia, myofascial pain, tennis elbow, addiction, carpal tunnel syndrome
And many people get good results from acupuncture for:
depression, anxiety, ear disorders, stomach/epigastric pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, PMS, male and female infertility,TMJ, Bell's palsy, the common cold, sinus headaches, congestion, allergies, urinary issues
And don't hesitate to contact Bill about your specific condition or come in for a free consultation.
I have suffered from allergies, headaches and sinus problems since I was a child. As an adult I have experienced migraines, anxiety/panic attacks, insomnia, digestive issues and of course joint pain including shoulder, knee and back issues. At the age of 20 or so a friend recommended I try chiropractic. With one adjustment to my neck, my nose started to drain. I then realized that decongestants and antihistamines were not the only answer to allergies.
Then in my mid-twenties while living in Kyoto, Japan, I tried shiatsu massage. This also helped my headaches and allergies, but the very gifted therapists, Ryokyu and Mayu Endo, also seemed to connect on a very deep psycho-emotional level as well. Several years later I decided to study with his wife, Mayu, and Endo-Sensei himself.
Endo Sensei had studied with Shizuto Masunaga, the author of Zen Shiatsu. In this book, there are several pages of outlining the relationship of the organ-meridian system with both physical symptoms AND their psycho-emotional counterparts. This fascinated me.
Then, when back in the US after 10 years in Japan, I found myself dissatisfied with office work and decided to turn to something more meaningful to me. I enrolled in the acupuncture program at the Eastern School of Medicine in Montclair, New Jersey. I continue to be fascinated with the art and science of Chinese medicine. The daily process of applying the knowledge and working with patients on their paths to healing I find extremely rewarding.
I continue to use acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, conventional medicine, meditative exercises such as qi gong and tai chi, attention to diet, and nasal irrigation to successfully manage my sinus/allergy challenges.